Friday, 4. October 2024
During the period 28 February-2 March our city warmly welcomed a delegation from the Hungarian Mosonmagyaróvár in the pursuit of developing a town-twinning relationship between the two cities. According to Antal Árpád András, mayor of Sepsiszentgyörgy and dr. Nagy István, mayor of Mosonmagyaróvár the cities would like to strenghten their relationship with each other. It is interesting that both cities live in the shadow of a big city: while Mosonmagyaróvár tries to progress near Győr, Sepsiszentgyörgy would like to move forward near Brassó. Furthermore, it is also engaging that Brassó and Győr have a town twinning relationship as well. The economic and civil spheres have already preceded the aspirations of the two cities’ governments: the Mikes Kelemen Lyceum already has a twinning relationship with Mosonmagyaróvár and there is a good cooperation between the Lipót and Diószegi bakeries as well. In addition, many Sepsiszentgyörgy-born live in Mosonmagyaróvár and they have also urged the initiation and development of a town-twinning relationship between the two cities, especially since the fact that the Hungarian city did not have a Transilvanian twin town until now, so our city would be the first one. Both mayors agreed upon the fact that they would like to develop a relationship based not only on the connection between the two mayors. A visit of the Mosonmagyaróvár youth has already been planned. Pageview: 293237