Friday, 4. October 2024
Gödri Ferenc Jr. was one of the most remarkable mayors of our city, leading and building Sepsiszentgyörgy for a period of 18 years (starting with the 20th of July 1895 until his early death on the 5th of July 1913). Among others he was leading chief trustee of the Reformed Church, councilor of the Sepsi Reformed Diocese, member of the Székely Mikó College’s provost, town clerk, chairman of the elementary schools’ Board of Trustees, member of the state civil schools’ Board of Trustees, member of the training schools’ Board of Supervision, and last but not least member of the Székely Mikó College Board of Directors. His work was characterized by pure progress: he re-organized and re-built the city. Sepsiszentgyörgy’s local government is going to organize a double memorial year on the occasion of the birth of Gödri Ferenc’s 150th anniversary this year and on his death’s 100th anniversary next year. In this manner our city wants to make amends for unjustly forgetting Gödri Ferenc and for caring too little for his character and activities. Accordingly, a scientific conference will be organized on the 3rd of October (Gödri Ferenc was born on the 3rd of October, 1862) where professionals will give presentations about the great mayor’s life and work. Moreover our city’s mayor will make a proposition to the local council for elaborating an urban development plan named after Gödri Ferenc from now until 2020 (adapting to the European Union’s 2013-2020 budget cycle). At the same time Gödri Ferenc’s half-length portrait has been found in the Székely National Museum’s stock-house which is going to be placed in the City Hall’s renovated building and the idea of creating a full length statue of both Gödri Ferenc and Potsa József is also taking shape. Pageview: 293483